

Thank you for finding my page and for your interest in my writing. The release of Simmering, Savory, and Deadly, a soup maker’s mystery has been fun from start to finish. Once I retired, I started to fulfill a lifetime hope of writing a book. I joined a writing group and those strong and perceptive women supported my learning of how to write a book while writing one. They continue to urge me on while getting this book published with Maine Authors Publishing and moving into the selling phase of this journey.

My first submitted piece was in the Morning Sentinel’s Women’s Quarterly. It was about a summer job I had at a mothball factory. I proved that I could string sentences together and tell a story. Next, I started submitting pieces to the Portland Press’ Meetinghouse column. What a great way to write on a regular basis, on a given topic, with a word limit. I have over twenty pieces that were printed in the hard copy paper as well as saved in the archive. Who knows, they may become a book of very short stories.

I am currently writing the next story in the soup maker’s series. Vidalia, Brie and Olive have returned home to Riverton, Maine. It is summer time and, you know how cozies go.

Stay tuned and I’ll stay in touch. Have a terrific day.